SO EP:542 Bigfoot Stole Our Fish!

 Fred Alaska shares eerie encounters with 'Hairy Man' or Sasquatch in remote Alaskan villages. Personal stories of a strange creature disrupting a family's life near the Yukon River and another family in South Anchorage highlight fear and superstition surrounding these beings. Witnesses recount hearing bizarre noises, seeing large humanoid figures, and experiencing aggressive behavior from these creatures. The recounted events emphasize the importance of situational awareness and caution in the Alaskan wilderness, as these tales are based on current events rather than mythology or folklore.

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 00:00 Introduction and Background 00:36 First Encounter in the Smokehouse 02:28 The Caribou Hunt Incident 12:36 The Return to the Village 16:53 Ariel and Jeff's Experience in Rabbit Creek Valley 31:06 The Final Confrontation 37:41 Conclusion and Reflections


SO EP:543 Inquiries Of Our Reality


SO EP:541 Bigfoot In Britain!