Bigfoot Weekly Newsletter

What Does Our Government Know About Sasquatch?

Edition One Originally Posted Sunday February 18th, 2024

For decades, the existence of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, has captivated the minds of many. While scientists remain divided on whether this elusive creature truly exists, conspiracy theories have emerged, suggesting that the government may be concealing the truth.

I know it may sound far-fetched to entertain conspiracy theories about a creature that some consider a mere myth, but hear me out. Personally, I have long held the belief that the United States government has little to no knowledge about Sasquatch and is not involved in any vast cover-up. However, recent events have made me pause and reconsider.

In a recent episode of That Bigfoot Podcast titled "Military Bigfoot," Wayne and I discussed the H.A. Miller Document. Supposedly written by a medical doctor employed by the federal government, this document claims that the doctor examined several deceased Sasquatch. It goes into intricate detail about their anatomy and even suggests that the government had a twenty-year plan to gradually reveal the existence of Sasquatch to the American public, including implementing protections for the species in certain states.

While I wanted to believe in the authenticity of this document, something didn't feel right. To clear up my doubts, I reached out to Steve Kulls, also known as the Squatch Detective. Steve had already debunked the claim that H.A. Miller was a medical doctor, proving that the document's claims were baseless. After speaking with Steve, I discovered that Linda Newton Perry was the actual source of the document, and it was purely a work of fiction.

Although this mystery was solved, it doesn't mean that the US government is completely ignorant of Sasquatch's existence. Recently, during a conversation with author, Bigfoot researcher, and fellow podcaster WJ Sheehan, he reached over off-camera and revealed a large map measuring three and a half feet by five feet. WJ explained that he received this map from a retired military friend who obtained it during a meeting before military training exercises. As he unfolded the map, he showed me a section labeled "Evasion Chart (EVC) EVC TRNGUS-02A Training Chart 4th Edition October 2007."

To my untrained eye, the map appeared official. WJ proceeded to unfold the portion that listed the dangerous animals in the training area. As he unveiled each animal, I read their names and examined their pictures. Among them was Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. I had to do a double take. Was I really looking at an officially issued military map with a depiction and description of Sasquatch? It certainly seemed that way. Screenshots from our video interview displaying this map can be seen below.

If this map is indeed authentic and distributed to numerous soldiers, why is there such a lack of information about it? Why wouldn't the government disclose the existence of Sasquatch to the general public? There are countless reasons why they might withhold this information, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Nevertheless, it raises the question: What does the US government truly know about Sasquatch? I invite you to share your thoughts and opinions by emailing me using the button below.


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